Handle of the Week- Peter Robert Casey

It was easy for us to decide who was most deserving of The Handle of the Week award this Friday, Peter Robert Casey. (Handle of the Week award is described at the top of this page in more detail… look above)  Peter is a one of a kind basketball intellectual as well as a networking king. He is all over the internet and has 50k plus followers on Twitter. He also does a great job with his blog, PeterRobertCasey.com, where he recently interviewed Claude Johnson, the founder and president of Black Fives, Inc. Make sure you check out how that Q. and A. went with Mr. Johnson over there and while your at it read about New Heights.

Our Handle of the Week award goes to… Peter Robert Casey.

Follow me on Twitter: @DinoGomez.

Handle of the Week- Talk hoops

Supposedly the footage of Brandon Jennings dismissing the New York Knicks and his fellow teammates on the Milwaukee Bucks was no longer available on Youtube. After checking out TalkHoops.net , I found that to be false. After reading a few more published articles at there site, it was easy to see that they have a great handle on basketball news and it made sense that they were up to date with the Jennings video footage.

Congrats to Talk Hoop. You are… this week’s Handle of the Week award winner.

Handle of the Week- The No Look Pass

It is a sunny and warm Friday where I’m at and even better it is a 4th of July weekend. Celebrations are to come. Before then, we would like to give out another Handle of the Week Award. Not familiar with this award yet? No problem you will be soon. The Handle of the Week is an award given out every Friday to another site that did the best job handling anything basketball for the past week. Last week our award went to the Basketball Fiend, who displayed great enthusiasm towards his recognition for great work.

The winner this week goes to…The No Look Pass. Congrats to the crew over there.

Handle of the Week- June 26, 2009

This Friday marks the beginning of something great, the beginning of our “Handle of the Week Award.” This award will be given out every Friday to the best Basketball site on the web, the site that had a solid handle on the game for the past week. The rules are simple. Anything goes. No blood, no foul. Winner claims the court and just because you have been waiting long for the award, does not mean you have next.

The first Handle of the Week award goes to… Basketball Fiend. Congrats fiend.